This is our President, mocking a person with a disability not unlike the disabilities my child has. This was a strategy used during the primary and campaign which helped Donald J. Trump win the 2016 election. Well, that and the fact that the DNC has an innate ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Unlike the journalist who's physical disabilities are are being derided, Owen is not fortunate enough to have the cognitive capacity for employment (not even as a CEO) but it’s good to know how the world would see him if he were out around the rest of you; you know just in case I forget next time I’m changing his diaper and wiping the shit out of his pubic hair for the second or third time on any given day. Side note: having someone else wipe your ass seems like it's the primary qualification to run a Fortune 500 company; well that and an MBA from Columbia, or is that redundant? I'm telling you, Owen could do this. But I digress. ...
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